We desire to craft life-giving and meaningful gifts that are inspired through prayer.
DROP US A GENERAL EMAILABOUT MY ORDERWe want our gifts to be like the parables - drawn from the everyday life that help us see, hear and understand with our hearts, the teachings of Jesus. Parables cut through the clutter of our lives and remain in our heart.
We start with original ideas that resonate with our mission, and make sure we're pointing to Him in all we do, from planning, to crafting, to delivering it to you.
Gifts, with stories, become tangible testimonies of love, they become more meaningful.
Story behind the gift
We bring you closer to the crafting process, giving you a glimpse of the prayer process and considerations in designing for a Christian lifestyle.
"The craftsman uses something that already exists, to which he gives form and meaning." - St JPII, 1999
Creative Community
We are a community of creatives that seek to live fully - connecting our gift of crafting the Beautiful with our relationship with God.
“Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. " - Mat 13: 3-8
Laudato Si
We love our created earth and aim to be as environmentally-friendly as possible so we reduce, reuse and recycle where we can!
“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” - Gen 1:31
Our Craftsmen
We desire to be a place where craftsmen quit daydreaming and together respond to God's call to share their gift with others.
Like in the Parable of the talents, we give thanks for our gift in crafting and pray that we remain faithful and courageous as he multiplies the fruits of our labour.
"What they manage to express in their painting, their sculpting, their creating is no more than a glimmer of the splendour which flared for a moment before the eyes of their spirit.... Eyes able to contemplate and give thanks, and to raise to God a hymn of praise. The only way for them to come to a full understanding of themselves, their vocation and their mission."